International Advanced Ozone Therapy Symposium The International Advanced Ozone Therapy Symposium has run smoothly and successfully, attended by doctors from various cities in Indonesia and international participants, thank you colleagues for their support and participation, see you at the next PERDOZONI seminar and workshop, success for all of us. #perdozoni #dokterindonesia #terapi #seminarkedokteran #ozonetheraphy #seminarantiaging #antiagingmedicinedoctor #seminarozone #pduijaksel #webinar

Biological and Clinical Effects of Ozone. Has Ozone Therapy a Future in Medicine?

Abstract Although ozone therapy has been used as an alternative medical approach for four decades, it has encountered scepticism, if not outright objection, by orthodox medicine. This prejudice is not unjustified because ozone therapy often has been used without rational basis or appropriate controls. With the advent of precise medical ozone generators, it is now […]

The Role of Ozone Treatment as Integrative Medicine. An Evidence and Gap Map

Introduction The Brazil has one of the largest public health systems in the world and in the 1980’s, Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine were introduced. In 2018, the treatment with ozone became a complementary integrative practice showing several benefits. However, its effectiveness needs to be researched. The objective of this evidence gap map is to […]

Ozone Therapy an Overview of Pharmacodynamics, Current Research, and Clinical Utility

ABSTRACT The use of ozone (O3) gas as a therapy in alternative medicine has attracted skepticism due to its unstable molecular structure. However, copious volumes of research have provided evidence that O3‘s dynamic resonance structures facilitate physiological interactions useful in treating a myriad of pathologies. Specifically, O3 therapy induces moderate oxidative stress when interacting with lipids. […]